Copyright © Washington County Weed Control. All rights reserved.

2025 Projects & Coordinators

Advent Gulch - Justin Mink

Cow Creek - John Bilbao

Dutch Flat - Marlin Wolfe

​Lower Pine - Debbie Wiebe

Micky Gulch - Royce Schwenkfelder

Middle Valley Waterways - Harmon & Terry Horton

Midvale Weed Beaters - Mariah Baladez Johnson

Pine Creek Estates - Darrel Moser

Salubria - Justin Mink

Up the Creek - Reece Robinett

Valley View - Debbie Warren

​Weed Crusaders - Donna White​

2023 Projects & Coordinators

Advent Gulch - Justin Mink

Cow Creek - John Bilbao

Dutch Flat - Marlin Wolfe

​Lower Pine - Debbie Wiebe

Micky Gulch - Royce Schwenkfelder

Middle Valley Waterways - Harmon & Terry Horton

Pine Creek Estates - Darrel Moser

Salubria - Justin Mink

Up the Creek - Phillip Farrens

Valley View - Debbie Warren

​Weed Crusaders - Donna Atwood

Past Projects & Coordinators

Cemetery Road - Judy & Clint McLaughlin

City of Weiser - Pat Malay

Cove - Gary Chipman

 Cove Cattle Co. - Gary Chipman

Crane Creek Skeletonweed - Harry Soulen

C.W. Project - Chuck Woods

Dutch Flat - Ivan Wolfe

Highland Hills - Ray Turnbull

Keithley Creek - Jerry Lunsford

Lower Pine - Monte Spiering

​Mann Creek Cemetery/Thousand Springs - Ralph Graham

​Mann Creek Valley - Marshall & Zane Davis

Micky Gulch - Debbie Warren

Midvale Weed Beaters - Sharon Widner

Paddock Valley - Tom & Marva Vogel

Pine Creek Estates - Eugene Sidwell

Sage Rock Central - Ida Widener

Snake One Fire - BLM, IDF & G, Washington County Weed

Sturgill Creek - Harry Soulen

Upper Cambridge Ditch - Larry Anderson


Project schedules may change due to conflicts, weather, etc.  Remember that is the Project Coordinator's responsibility to contact your cooperators and make all other necessary arrangements.

Project Coordinators need to contact Bonnie Davis, Washington County Weed Control Superintendent,  at 208-414-1950 approximately one week prior to your project to finalize the time and staging area. 

2024 Projects & Coordinators

​Advent Gulch - Justin Mink
Cow Creek - John Bilbao
Dutch Flat - Marlin Wolfe

​Lower Pine - Debbie Wiebe

Micky Gulch - Royce Schwenkfelder
​Middle Valley Waterways - Harmon & Terry Horton

Midvale Weed Beaters - Mariah Baladez Johnson
Pine Creek Estates - Darrel Moser
Salubria - Justin Mink
Up the Creek - Phillip Farrens
Valley View - Debbie Warren
​Weed Crusaders - Donna White​

Coordinator's Corner

Welcome to the Lower Weiser River CWMA Coordinator's Corner page.  Project coordinators can download application forms and other CWMA items, forms and publications here.  Simply click on the item listed below to download your form(s).