Copyright © Washington County Weed Control. All rights reserved.
The Washington County Weed Advisory Board instituted a poster drawing contest in 2002, whereas 4th, 5th and 6th grade students in Washington County are eligible to submit a poster of their artistic depiction of a specific noxious weed theme. For example, various annual themes that have been used are aquatic weeds, biological control, the spread of noxious weeds and many more.
The intent of this educational activity is to encourage students to learn about noxious weeds and the damage that they cause to the ecosystem. Special poster board, contest guidelines and noxious weed literature is distributed annually to all 4th through 6th grade educators in Weiser, Midvale and Cambridge, Idaho school districts. Students must follow the guidelines set forth by the Weed Advisory Board regarding the specific theme of the year for their entry to be eligible for the judging phase of the contest.
Students submit their artwork by the annual deadline, April, to the Washington County Weed Department at 1118 E. Court Street in Weiser, and the posters are sorted for eligibility requirements. Several members of the Weed Advisory Board volunteer their time to judge the submissions and a determination is made regarding the top 12 posters. There is a cash prize of $75 for 1st place, $50 for second place and $25 for 3rd place. However, all 12 of the winning posters are used to comprise the Lower Weiser River Cooperative Weed Management Area's annual calendar. The top 12 finishers also receive a Washington County Weed Warrior T-Shirt.
2015 Poster Winners
Their artwork is showcased in the 2016 LWRCWMA Calendar
2025 Calendars are available at no charge at the Washington County Weed Department
Weed Control Booth at the Washington County Fair
Calendars are loaded with valuable information regarding noxious weeds, important deadlines, events, holidays and moon phases. Pick yours up today at 1118 E. Court Street in Weiser, Idaho
Poster Judging
Bonnie Davis and members of the Weed Advisory Board set up and man an informative display regarding noxious weeds at the Washington County Fair. They provide a plethora of literature and a wealth of personal knowledge and experience to anyone that wants to stop by, ask a question or just visit.
Annual Youth Poster Contest.
Puncturevine Season has Arrived
Mechanical control is very effective for controlling this troublesome plant.
Always pull up by the root and if you are dealing with large plants roll them to prevent scattering seed. Bag them and dispose to stop the spread.
Intrinsic Organics employees in Weiser, ID are using this method to deal with their puncturevine problem.
Pictured is Bruce Cox displaying one of the larger plants, last count from the crew was 7-40 gallon drums filled with plants.
Facts: Each puncturevine burr contains 5 nutlets, 3-5 seeds per nutlet, hence the rapid spread. Seeds remain viable for several years so vigilance is a must. One plant is capable of producing 200-5,000 seeds in one growing season. Use caution to prevent further spread of this Idaho Noxious Weed!
Annual Weed Tour
The Washington County Weed Department and the LWRCWMA have held an annual Weed Tour every June since 2000. The Weed Tour is a full day of information regarding noxious weeds, biological control, rodent control, goat grazing, etc. The Weed Tour varies every year and consists of guest speakers, exhibitions of weed and rodent control methods and visits to areas within Washington County where the noxious weed battle is being waged to show the progress. There are hands-on presentations and a delicious catered lunch. Transportation is provided and there is no charge to attend. The Weed Tour is a valuable educational tool in the fight against noxious weeds, and the tour has grown to over 100 attendees in 2015.
The 23rd Annual Weed Tour is scheduled for June 12, 2025, and begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Check back in the spring of 2025 for the Weed Tour flyer. If you would like to be a part of this exciting and fun tour in 2025, please contact the Washington County Weed Department at 208-414-1950 to get on the RSVP list.
The Washington County Weed Advisory Board has carried with them a vision of having signage in particular project areas. Why, you might ask, would this be a priority? It is always nice to recognize those who work hard to be good stewards of the land. Every opportunity is taken to spread the word about noxious weeds. This is all a fabulous idea, but (Yes, of course, there is a but with everything.):
* Who will design the sign?
* Who will produce the signs?
* Where will the signs be placed?
* Who will make those arrangements and install the signs?
Harmon Horton, Weed Advisory Board member, took these ideas to heart and placed the wheels in motion. It turns out that Harmon's daughter, Brandi Horton, does some wonderful artwork. Brandi went straight to work creating numerous designs for the board to choose from. At last, a logo was chosen. Chris Braun of Cambridge Lumber agreed to make the signs, Bonnie Davis and the crew at the Weed Department have made arrangements with various landowners regarding erection of the LWRCWMA sign and they have installed them, and the rest is history.
Applicator Re-Certification Class
Every year the LWRCWMA and the Washington County Weed Control Department hold a Re-Certification class. This class provides individuals with ISDA Private Applicator licenses to acquire credits that are required to keep their license active. The LWRCWMA and Bonnie Davis, Washington County Weed Control Superintendent, work closely with ISDA, Federal Agencies and area universities to provide attendees with interesting and informative classes.
The 2025 Re-Certification class is scheduled for February 20, 2025 from 6:00-9:15 p.m. at Midvale School 56 N. School Road Midvale, Idaho. If you would like to attend, please call 208-414-1950 to be placed on the list. Space is limited, so do not delay.
Please click on the Gallery below to view photos from previous classes.